Institute of Health Promotion and Rebirth  of  People of Ukraine
A.Potopalsky Charity Fund
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics
ukr rus

A.I. Potopalsky

Anatoly Potopalsky

Director of Institute of Health Promotion
and Rebirth of People of Ukraine,
Director of Charity Fund "Healer given by Heaven",
The head of department of Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics
of NAS of Ukraine,
MD, senior lecturer,
Honoured inventor of Ukraine,
Professor of European Academy of Human Problems


Award of the International Academy of Sciences and Higher Education

The New Methods
of Spiritual and Molecular-genetic Foundations
of Human Health improvement and Environment protection

A new scientific direction, discovered in 1959 and worked out since by A.I. Potopalsky, is aimed to achieve a directed improvement of natural biologically active substances' structure and obtain preparations rendering healthy both people and environment on molecular and genetic levels. Original preparations of antitumor, antiviral (including anti-AIDS), immunomodulating and anti-radiation action have been obtained in the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of NAS of Ukraine and in the Institute of Health Promotion and Rebirth of People of Ukraine, the ways of their influence use on biological processes in medicine, veterinary and agriculture have been developed. The best known of these preparations are amitozyn and izatizon, protected by author's certificates and several international patents.

Recommendation of Dr. A.I. Potopalsky for complex rehabilitation, treatment and prevention of malignant and benign tumors, viral and immunoaggressive diseases

Certificate for a trademark and service # 109425 Products are manufactured under the brand of "Dr. A.I. Potopalsky"

Please refer: To the 62th anniversary of the creation of amitozyn


Public hearings -2009

to all human, smart and intelligent people

Dear co-founders of our legal and public organizations, co-workers, like-minded people, current and former patients!

In these December days (December 14-15, 2021) we celebrate a happy and at the same time sad date - the 60th anniversary of the first publication about the antitumor, antiviral, antimicrobial, antimalarial and immunoregulatory drug "AMITOZYN" created 62 years ago by Dr. A.I. Potopalsky.

Notwithstanding the recommendations of prominent oncologists on the approval of the drug Amitozyn in medical practice, that have been summed up by limited clinical trials of the drug in severe and hopeless patients, conducted in accordance with the decision of the Pharmaceutical Committee from 24.06.99. (letter # 807, December 26, 2001 of the Director of the Institute of Oncology (now the National Cancer Institute) S.O. Shalimov to the Director of the State Pharmacological Center, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Professor O.V. Stefanov), the drug has not yet been approved, and the number of deaths from cancer is growing every year.

The drug "AMITOZYN" became the basis for the creation of an original author's holistic system of spiritual and molecular-genetic human health improvement and environmental protection. This system is recognized worldwide by scientific and practical performers - humanities and veterinarians (oncologists, virologists, microbiologists, immunologists, etc.). Now a large group of agricultural workers and environmentalists are among them. However, the system is not widely used in practice due to numerous bureaucratic and human artificial barriers.

Today I want to thank the founders of the Center of Spiritual Revival and Health Improvement of Human and Environment, first of all, the rector of NUBiP, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor S.M. Nikolaenko, to all familiar and unfamiliar ascetics who have awakened from a boring, but sticky slumber and oblivion. React, use our achievements for your own and national health and salvation. Salvation for our offspring, our little friends and ourselves.

Decisive steps to the implementation of our system of Ecumenical salvation were made in February 2009. National hearings on the status of the problem were held, initiated and led by the head of the GRONU, Professor S.M. Nikolaenko, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician B.E. Paton (represented by the Deputy Director of IMBG of NAS of Ukraine for Science, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Professor M.A. Tukalo, now Director of IMBG of NASU, Academician of NASU), editor of the journal "Pedagogy of Tolerance" Ya.A. Berehovoy, Deputy Chairman of the GRONU and Chairman of the Zhytomyr Fellowship of Ukraine in Kyiv V.S. Petrovych. A special representative of the then President of Ukraine V.A. Yushchenko, his personal practical surgeon R.L. Valikhnovsky made a speech. He is currently the head of the Dr. Valikhnovsky Institute of Surgery, a priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and, as an archpriest and theologian. He is conducting a meaningful program "Spiritual Immunity" on the UOC's Youtube channel.

This direction and the health system will create an unfading ENERGY OF PLANETARY GOOD, break through the oppressive clouds of the biosphere, illuminate the noosphere and expand the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS.

We are currently creating a new webpage about AMITOZYN and our health system with further print publications. We call on all those who care with the words of the immortal Lesya Ukrainka: “Get up, who is alive, who has a thought! The hour for work has come! Don't be afraid of the dawn… ». And "Ukrainian nation will be happy and glorified in the ages" (A.I. Potopalsky, 2012).

We will be happy to hear your suggestions, wishes, critical remarks and vast experience.

We will celebrate our collective Victory in the pearl of the Drevlyansky region - the “Victory” Arboretum that we have created together with like-minded people.

- The first article about the drug Amitozyn "The data on the treatment of malignant tumors in the experiment";

- Letter ¹ 807-kn dated 26.12.2001 with the CONCLUSION on the results of limited clinical trials at the Institute of Oncology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine of the drug Amitozyn in patients with malignant neoplasms and study of its immunomodulatory properties (Extended Report see:;

- Article on “The establishment of fundamentally new health-educational unit of Charity Health Improvement Group of Ambitious Benefactors - GIFT to GOD” with an appeal to all concerned;

- Recommendations for reading our materials dedicated to the 62nd anniversary of amitozyn.

With respect and hope for understanding

Anatoly Potopalsky,

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher,
Former Head of Department, later the Laboratory of Modification of the Structure of Biologically Active Substances of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics (IMBG) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of Institute of Health Promotion and Rebirth of People of Ukraine and the Charity Fund "Healer given by Heaven", Head of the Center of Spiritual Revival and Health Improvement of Human and Environment (NUBiP) of Ukraine, Honored Inventor of Ukraine, lifelong Presidential Fellow, author of unique anticancer and antiviral drugs, biotechnologies and new varieties of perspective plants,
Nominee for the 2004 Nobel Prize in "Medical Chemistry" submitted abroad.


Read the applications .

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