Institute of Health Promotion and Rebirth  of  People of Ukraine
A.Potopalsky Charity Fund
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics
ukr rus

Developments of the Institute of Health Promotion and Rebirth of People of Ukraine

We present some results of our scientific elaborations offered for implementation for health promotion of human and environment:

  • Antiviral, antimicrobial and antitumour preparations "Izatizon", Izatitony", "Amitozyn", which are highly effective for using in medicine, veterinary science and plant-growing. These preparations have no analogues all over the world.
  • New varieties of grain crop (wheat, rye, oats, millet, barley, corn,sorghum,rice) with good crop capacity on depleted with nitrogen and saline soils are selected. These varieties are also resistant to drought, viral, bacterial and fungous diseases.
  • New varieties of Cucurbitaceae plants (Kavbuz, Kavbudeck) are obtained.These plants have a high content of sugar, especially fructose, also carotene and oils.
  • New varieties and forms of herbs with anti-inflammatory, bactericide and immunomodulatory effects (Echinacea, Polemonium caeruleum, Inula nelenium, Thermopsic, Phytolaka) are obtained.
  • Drought and salt resistant plants (in particular, a special variety, called "Ukrainian", able to be cultivated under sea-water irrigation) are obtained.
  • Technology of crop and vegetable seed treatment increasing crop capacity by 20-40 % is developed.
  • Technology of productivity stimulation of beneficial insect such as silk production and bee-keeping, etc is developed. Offered preparations are absolutely harmless, they raise the productivity of the insects 1.5-2 times.
  • Technology of obtaining of new plant varieties with modified properties (selection of frost-, drought- and salt-resistant forms, turning winter crops into spring ones) is developed.
  • Technology of increased productivity in fish-breeding and marine culture by 20-40% is available.
  • Technology for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of plant bacterial cancer (fruit plants, grape and vegetables) is available using ecologically safe original preparations.
  • The manufacturing of biological materials using some intensive technology (healing fabrics, stitching material made of real silk) is offered.
  • Original combinations of herbs with healing properties (in granules, powders, herb tea, tablets, etc) containing biologically active substances are offered. They regulate immunological reactions and are involved in toxins and radionuclides removal from organism.

We present for health promotion of human original complexes

(TU U 15.4-16306764-001:2006)
Edible oil made from the seeds of new sort of a pumpkin – molecular hybrid of watermelon and pumpkin “Zdorovyaga”, raised in ecologically pure region.

Recommendations for application:

  • gastrointestinal tract diseases (ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis);
  • liver and biliary diseases (infectious and toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, cholecystitis, malignant tumors metastases);
  • pancreatic gland diseases (pancreatitis, tumors, diabetes);
  • prostate diseases (prostatitis, adenoma, malignant tumors);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obesity;
  • impotence;
  • to improve memory and capacity for work, especially for those with chronic illness;
  • for disbacteriosis, helminthiasis, intoxication, poisoning, especially for drug and alcoholic intoxication treatment.
  • Due to normalization of lipids metabolism property, kavbuzol is effective for psoriasis and hyperkeratosis treatment.
Dosage– Take 1 teaspoon of kavbuzol three-four times per day 15-20 min before food consumption for 3-4 weeks every three months during a year.
Contraindications– no contraindications were detected, side effects were not observed.
Manufacture form – 100 ml flasks.
Store at room temperature, keep away from sunlight. Storage time – 3 years.

TU U 15.4 -16306764-002:2007
Foodstuff with effective enterosorbent properties has low-calorie, rich in cellulose, pectins, macro- and microelements, oils, liposoluble A, E, D vitamins characteristics. Made from the seeds of new sort of a pumpkin “Kavbuz Zdorovyaga” and registered in the State register for the plant varieties of Ukraine (certificate of State registration #05119 from 12 February 2003).

Recommendations for application:

  • gastrointestinal tract diseases (ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis);
  • liver and biliary diseases (infectious and toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, cholecystitis, malignant tumors metastases);
  • pancreatic gland diseases (pancreatitis, tumors, diabetes);
  • prostate diseases (prostatitis, adenoma, malignant tumors);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obesity;
  • impotence;
  • to improve memory and capacity for work, especially for those with chronic illness;
  • for disbacteriosis, helminthiasis, intoxication, poisoning, especially for drug and alcoholic intoxication treatment.
  • Due to normalization of lipids metabolism property, kavbusorb is effective for psoriasis and hyperkeratosis treatment.
Dosage– Take water with 1-2 teaspoons of kavbusorb three times per day before or during food consumption for 30-45 days. After that – one month break.
Contraindications– no contraindications were detected, side effects were not observed.
Manufacture form – hermetically sealed 650 gr glass.
Store at room temperature, keep away from sunlight. Storage time – 3 years.

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